General Educators: CEC’s Special Education Convention & Expo is For You
Each year, thousands of special education professionals from around the world come together at the CEC Convention & Expo to learn, share, grow, and connect. With hundreds of sessions on just about every topic in the field, the CEC Convention & Expo is THE professional development event for educators to find research, tips, and strategies they can actually apply to support students with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.
While the CEC Convention & Expo is tailored toward special education professionals, general educators are not only welcome but highly encouraged to attend! In today’s classrooms, it’s more important than ever for general education teachers to understand the needs of all students, including those who require special education services. Attending a conference focused on special education can provide general educators with valuable insights, tools, and strategies that benefit students with exceptional needs and enhance their overall teaching practice.
The Focus is on General Education
CEC’s president, Dr. Julie Irene Bost, has identified a topic area strand that will be highlighted during the 2025 Convention: Improving Outcomes for Students Across General Education Settings. This strand showcases research-based strategies for use across general education settings to improve outcomes for all learners. Session topics include providing access to the curriculum, strengthening Tier 1 through integrated academic and behavioral supports, meaningful collaboration among special education and general education professionals, adapting instruction, providing accommodations, supporting learners with intensive needs, teacher preparation, and more.
Strengthen Inclusive Classrooms
As the push for inclusive education grows, general education teachers are increasingly responsible for ensuring that students with exceptionalities thrive in their classrooms. CEC2025 can equip you with strategies for differentiation, accommodations, and modifying curriculum to meet the needs of diverse learners. You’ll gain practical tools and insights to build a more inclusive learning environment where every student can succeed.
Build Bonds with Special Educators
Collaboration between general and special educators is key to meeting the needs of students with disabilities. CEC’s Convention provides a unique space to meet and network with special education professionals, learn about their expertise, and discuss ways to work together effectively. Building these relationships can result in a stronger, more unified approach to student learning and support within your school.
Get the Scoop on IEPs and 504 Plans
Understanding the Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 Plans your students may have is crucial for general education teachers. CEC2025 allows you to attend sessions focused on these essential documents, helping you better understand your role in their implementation. You can attend add-on workshops that will help round out general educators’ understanding of these important documents and how to best implement them. You’ll leave the Convention equipped to support your students with disabilities in meaningful ways and with greater confidence in navigating these critical educational tools.
Brush Up on Behavior Management Techniques for Every Student
Students with exceptionalities often require unique behavior management strategies, which can benefit the entire classroom. Sessions, workshops, and other opportunities at CEC2025 will provide insights into research-based behavior interventions that you can apply to students of all abilities. From positive behavior supports to sensory accommodations, these strategies can help create a more calm, engaging, and productive classroom environment for everyone.
Stay Ahead of the Latest Research, Information, and Trends
Attending CEC2025 keeps you informed on the latest trends, research, and advocacy efforts that impact education as a whole. Engaging with these topics makes you more informed about laws and policies affecting students with disabilities and their families. This knowledge helps you advocate for your students and contribute to broader conversations about equity and access in education.
Attending CEC’s Special Education Convention and Expo is a valuable investment in your professional growth as a general education teacher. By expanding your knowledge of special education, collaborating with specialists, and acquiring new tools for your classroom, you’ll not only support students with disabilities but enrich the learning experience for all your students.
Register for Convention today, and as a special education teacher, you'll receive an exclusive code to give a general education teacher 50% off their registration!
Embrace the opportunity to enhance your skills, deepen your understanding, and make a lasting impact in your school community! We’ll see you in Baltimore!