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2024 Virtual Convention Workshops

Enhance your experience with live virtual workshops

On April 9, the Virtual Convention will feature 12 live virtual workshops specially selected on the topics you need most. You'll receive access to the live workshop on the day of the event, plus a recording in case you can't make it live...or if you want to see multiple workshops in the same time block! You'll have access to recordings until July 10, 2024.

Each workshop requires an additional registration fee. You can add Virtual Workshops to your existing Virtual Convention registration by logging in to your CEC account.

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Virtual Convention Workshop Rates

  Late/On-Site Rate
After 2/1/24
Pre-Service $105
Member $159
Non-Member $229


April 9 Live Virtual Workshop Schedule


Virtual Workshop 23 - Best Practices in Transition Planning

Presenter: Stacie Dojonovic

This workshop begins with best practices for transition planning beginning in middle school. You will explore evidence-based (and practical) practices for career development and transition assessment for middle school students. This will provide a foundation for best practices for transition planning and post-school goal writing. In Part One: Career Awareness and Transition Assessment, presenters will cover topics including understanding work, education, independent living, and community options; appreciating and understand types of work/careers; understanding and developing disability awareness; writing initial postschool goals with compliance and fidelity; and choosing a course of study for high school. Part Two: Career Preparation Activities and Focused Planning, will cover topics including developing meaningful and realistic postschool goals; understanding career and technical education options; increasing transition activities and services (classroom & community); and preparing for transition to post-high school environments.

Virtual Workshop 24 - Supporting Students with Challenging Behavior within an MTSS Framework

Presenter: Kathy Randolph and Brittany Hott

Challenging behavior occurs during the school day, especially in less structured settings (e.g., bus, cafeteria, hallway, gym). This session will extend evidence-based positive behavioral intervention and support in the classroom and beyond and include ways to implement coaching strategies for adults outside of the classroom, such as paraprofessionals, bus drivers and monitors, along with other school staff. This workshop will provide a review of evidence-based strategies that are seen in the research base, and then presenters will guide and work with participants to utilize evidence-based interventions and practices used throughout the school day in all school settings. Presenters will share research from coaching studies and use those to drive implementation plans, and share ideas for coaching support.

Virtual Workshop 25 - Demystifying SDI

Presenter: Sara Evans and Amy Peterson

Are accommodations Specially Designed Instruction? What about UDL or HLPs? This interactive session will help demystify specially designed instruction, or SDI, for students with disabilities and clarify why accommodations, UDL, and HLPs are not SDI. Participants will gain access to freely available tools to assist with the design and delivery of SDI to meet the unique academic and functional needs of students across grade spans.

Virtual Workshop 26 - Data That Makes a Difference: Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tips for Responsive, Inclusive Educators

Presenter: Lindsey Pike and Adam Moore

This live session, hosted by Drs Lindsey Pike (Roger Williams University) and Adam Moore (University of Rhode Island), focuses on the essential elements of High Leverage Practices 4 and 6 as they pertain to data-based decision-making. Through this interactive session, participants will deepen their knowledge around classroom assessment, progress monitoring, and data-based decision-making to enhance instruction and intervention for students. Practical strategies for collecting, analyzing, and using data in meaningful ways will also be shared.


Virtual Workshop 27 - "FAPE in the LRE"

Presenter: Kelly Rogers, Psy.S., BCBA, LBA

Central to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the requirement that districts provide students with disabilities a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Additionally, according to the conclusions of the U.S. Supreme Court (Endrew, F., 2017), the offer of FAPE (outlined in an IEP) must confer Meaningful Educational Benefit (MEB) that enable the child to achieve appropriately ambitious goals.

Because FAPE in the LRE is central to the education of students with disabilities and the development of the IEP, all school staff should receive training every year on the relevant law and research in this area. This session will outline, clarify and deepen knowledge in the key elements of FAPE, LRE and MEB and how these elements relate to the authentic development of the IEP. Participants will leave with access to resources, facilitation guides, and other tools to support implementation and professional learning in their own districts.

Virtual Workshop 28 - What’s Important in Mathematics at Tier 2 and 3

Presenter: Sarah Powell

Do you teach math at tiers 2 and 3? Do you want to know what’s essential in how you teach math? In this session, we’ll focus on five essentials for your math intervention efforts. First, we’ll talk about effective modeling, practice, and feedback. Then, we’ll highlight how to emphasize math language with your students. Next, we’ll talk about why it’s important to use multiple representations in intervention. Finally, we will discuss how to build fluency and provide word-problem intervention to your students. Come ready to elevate your math teaching!

Virtual Workshop 29 - Come here, Stay here!

Presenter: Lynn Holdheide and Patricia Wons

Teacher retention and well-being is top of mind of many and likely no one is more aware than a school leader. At a time when states and districts are working to accelerate post-pandemic learning gains for students with disabilities the need to develop and retain a high-quality workforce is essential. Workforce challenges have been exacerbated with increased attrition, a decline in teacher preparation program enrollment, and more challenging working conditions leaving districts in a bind as they are working to ensure SWDs get the services they need. Research confirms what teachers know: that school leaders are pivotal in retaining quality teachers (Hitt & Tucker, 2016; Leithwood, Louis, Anderson, & Wahlstrom, 2004; Osborne-Lampkin, Folsom, & Herrington, 2015) and that principals can take specific actions to facilitate effective mentoring and induction systems ( Brock & Grady, 2001; Carver, 2000; Darling-Hammond, Berry, & Fideler, 1999). This session will review emerging research and practical strategies designed to build school leader capacity to create a mentoring and induction program that empowers, strengthens, and retains teachers of students with disabilities. Participants will have opportunities to engage, learn, and problem solve leading toward action.

Virtual Workshop 30 - Executive Functioning in the Classroom

Presenter: Cassie Frost

Organization, time management, attention, and memory... How do you support students who struggle in one or more of these areas? Come and learn about how executive functioning deficits affect students in today's classroom. You will spend this session learning about executive functioning, how deficits in this area can affect students, and techniques and tools to help support students. Attention, memory, and organization will be reviewed, and you’ll have an opportunity to reflect on the changing needs of these in today's classroom. Both high and low-tech tools will be demonstrated and discussed. You will leave this session with resources and actionable steps to support the students in your classroom struggling with executive functioning.


Virtual Workshop 31 - Trauma Informed IEPs

Presenter: David Bateman

This presentation is designed to educate educators, special education professionals, and related service providers on the development and implementation of trauma-informed IEPs for students eligible for special education. We will explore the intersection of trauma, its impact on learning and behavior, and how to effectively integrate trauma-informed practices into the IEP process. Participants will gain insights into identifying trauma responses in students, adapting educational approaches to support these students, and collaborating across disciplines to create a supportive and understanding educational environment.

Virtual Workshop 33 - Putting Paras in Play: Tips for Teachers Supporting Paraeducators in Your Classroom

Presenter: Ritu Chopra and Peggy Yates

Paraeducators deliver an array of special education services with little or no formal preparation for their duties. Additionally, they often work with teachers and licensed professionals who are legally and ethically responsible for directing the paraeducators’ work but typically do not have preparation for their supervisory role. As a result, paraeducators are often not effectively utilized with students with disabilities. In this interactive workshop, the presenter will share research based paraeducator supervision content, tools, and resources aligned with CEC Core Competencies for Special Education Paraeducators that can used by teachers to appropriately guide and direct the work of paraeducators.

Virtual Workshop 34 - Facilitating Effective Meetings and Strengthening Collaboration with the IEP Team

Presenter: Sacha Cartagena and Dena Slanda

In this session, participants will develop a deeper understanding of the essential components of High Leverage Practices \aligned with facilitating effective Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings and collaborating with the IEP team, including:
• HLP 1: Collaborate with professionals to increase student success.
• HLP 2: Organize and facilitate effective meetings with professionals and families.
• HLP 3: Collaborate with families to support student learning and secure needed service.
• HLP 5: Interpret and communicate assessment information with stakeholders to collaboratively design and implement educational programs.



Suggested Workshops

Expand the menus above to see the full descriptions for each workshop.

Addressing Intense Needs

  • Virtual Workshop 24 - Supporting Students with Challenging Behavior within an MTSS Framework
  • Virtual Workshop 27 - "FAPE in the LRE"
  • Virtual Workshop 33 - Putting Paras in Play: Tips for Teachers Supporting Paraeducators in Your Classroom

Plan & Plan Again

  • Virtual Workshop 23 - Best Practices in Transition Planning
  • Virtual Workshop 25 - Demystifying SDI
  • Virtual Workshop 26 - Data That Makes a Difference: Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tips
  • Virtual Workshop 28 - What’s Important in Mathematics at Tier 2 and 3

Get to Class

  • Virtual Workshop 24 - Supporting Students with Challenging Behavior within an MTSS Framework
  • Virtual Workshop 28 - What’s Important in Mathematics at Tier 2 and 3
  • Virtual Workshop 30 - Executive Functioning in the Classroom
  • Virtual Workshop 33 - Putting Paras in Play: Tips for Teachers Supporting Paraeducators in Your Classroom

Leadership Support

  • Virtual Workshop 24 -Supporting Students with Challenging Behavior within an MTSS Framework
  • Virtual Workshop 29 - Come here, Stay here!
  • Virtual Workshop 34 - Facilitating Effective Meetings and Strengthening Collaboration with the IEP Team

IEP Power

  • Virtual Workshop 27 - "FAPE in the LRE"
  • Virtual Workshop 31 - Trauma Informed IEPs
  • Virtual Workshop 34 - Facilitating Effective Meetings and Strengthening Collaboration with the IEP Team

HLPs, Please

  • Virtual Workshop 26 - Data That Makes a Difference: Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tips
  • Virtual Workshop 34 - Facilitating Effective Meetings and Strengthening Collaboration with the IEP Team
Last Updated:  25 March, 2024

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