Session Formats
Whatever you're looking for in your learning, CEC 2025 will have it. Learn more about the different session formats below.
Concurrent Session
This format is available for proposals with content focused on practice-based strategies or research-to-practice structured as a presentation with Q&A, a panel presentation, or an interactive presentation engaging participants in a specific activity. These sessions are 1 hour long and should consist of more than 1 presenter. (Research in progress will not be accepted as a concurrent session.)
Research-to-Practice Deep Dives
A 90-minute interactive learning experience. Half of the session will focus on presentation of research and resulting implementable strategies, and the other half of the session will bring together facilitators and fellow attendees for experiential learning opportunities focused on enacting the research. (VERY LIMITED SLOTS)
Poster Session
An opportunity to share research projects and results, poster sessions are a visual presentation with an opportunity for attendees to ask follow-up questions of the presenter. Presenters prepare a poster exhibit of high quality that can stand alone in conveying information and address questions from attendees.
Data Blitz
An opportunity to share research and results as part of a series of short 5-minute presentations in a rapid-fire format on research topics spanning the field. Proposal will be paired with up to 10 other proposals by the Program Co-Chairs into 1-hour sessions.
Collaborative Session
This format is available for proposals with content focused on practice-based strategies or research-to-practice. Selection of this format type indicates your willingness to present as part of a 1-hour session, joining other presenters with similar topics. Presenters will collaborate resubmit a cohesive session with a single title, abstract, and participant outcomes.
Teacher Slam (Call opens in October)
This format is for current practitioners in a B-12 setting. Up to 7 presenters in a fast-paced, dynamic session with 8-minutes to cover 8 slides on a single topic. Program Co-Chairs will pair with up to 7 proposals into 1-hour sessions.
Convention Workshop
A half- or full-day deep dive into a particular topic, strategy, or idea. Please note: Convention workshops each require an additional registration fee and are not included in general registration.
These workshops are solicited by CEC staff (not part of the Calls).